

Established in 2004, Sunshinetex Scientific Research Center is an important part of the company's development system.

Established in 2004, Sunshinetex Scientific Research Center is an important part of the company's long-term strategic development system, as well as the basis of product strategy and marketing strategy.

Established in 2004, Sunshinetex Scientific Research Center is an important part of the company's long-term strategic development system, the basis of product strategy and market strategy, and an important force for Sunshinetex to cope with the rapid change of market demand and the improvement of technological and ecological requirements.

Sunshinetex Scientific Research Center attaches great importance to industry-university-research cooperation and investment in scientific and technological R&D. It has established industry-university-research R&D bases, graduate workstations and practice bases for college students successively with Tianjin Polytechnic University, Donghua University, Jiangnan University and other well-known universities. The research Center has a scientific research team with rich management experience and high professional and technical level. There are 20 people with bachelor degree or above, 10 people with junior college degree, including 2 people with senior professional title. Many of them have undertaken national and provincial science and technology plan projects. The company invests nearly 10 million yuan every year in the research and development of high-end polymer functional films and composite materials, and has applied for more than 120 national patents.

Sunshinetex Scientific Research Center is composed of New product Development Department, process Technology Service Department and Standardization Testing Center.

As the core department of the R & D center, the new product development department is mainly responsible for formulating and implementing the company's overall R & D strategy and annual R & D plan, leading the establishment and improvement of R & D product management system and organizational structure, building an efficient production R & D team, and laying a good foundation for the next large-scale production. At the same time, it also assumes the responsibility of strategic planning, new product development, technological innovation and application of the company, and meets the development needs of the enterprise through various authoritative technical support.
